The Shroud of Spring

Almond trees in bloom in Badakshan, Afghanistan
Almonds in bloom, Badakshan, Afghanistan (2023)

Spring finds Kabul

Almond trees tender in their bloom

Shy white buds lean against the tempering sunlight

Dawn wakes with calls of the muezzin.

It is a dark dawn, this spring.

The prayers chant in deep throes of anguish

and despair.

Like black velvet, casting a shroud

Over unwilling women, by unyielding men.

Shackled into homes,

Cows in the cowshed.

Relentless quagmire of hollow routines

Battles fought yet now exhausted -of possibilities, of dreams and of hope.

Invisible; Forgotten; Manipulated; Unchosen.

This certain fate.

She demands of me- ‘is there a red line?’

‘When will you say enough?”

Is her absolute erasure, the price for my courage?

In this theatre of unending compromises

I quarrel myself.

There is no rescue, only shame.

Witness -

to what I condemn.

Yet do not disown

this new Abyss.



Geeta Kuttiparambil

A believer in a world without borders and in the fierce power of fiction to achieve it.